Game Theory An Introduction Answers
This manual contains solutions to the exercises in A Course in Game Theory by Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein. (The sources of the problems are given in the section entitled. Game Theory: An Introduction Game Theory helps us understand situations in which decision-makers interact. A game in the everyday sense—“a competitive activity. In which players contend with each other according to a set of rules.
Giacomo BonannoDepartment of Economics,University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8578
Game Theory
Giacomo Bonanno
Preface......................................................... 3
Contents ........................................................5
1. Introduction................................................... 11
PART I: Games with ordinal payoffs....................................15
2. Ordinal games in strategic form......................................17
2.1 Game frames and games
2.2 Strict and weak dominance
2.3 Second-price auction
1.4 The pivotal mechanism
2.5 Iterated deletion procedures
2.6 Nash equilibrium
2.7 Games with infinite strategy sets
2.8 Proofs of theorems
2.9 Exercises [23 exercises]
2.10 Solutions to exercises
3. Perfect information games........................................75
3.1 Trees, frames and games
3.2 Backward induction
3.3 Strategies in perfect-information games
3.4 Relationship between backward induction andother solutions
3.5 Perfect-information games with two players
3.6 Exercises [13 exercises]
3.7 Solutions to exercises
4. General dynamic games.........................................117
4.1 Imperfect information
4.2 Strategies
4.3 Subgames
4.4 Subgame-perfect equilibrium
4.5 Games with chance moves
4.6 Exercises [15 exercises]
4.7 Solutions to exercises
PART II: Games with cardinal payoffs............................... 167
5. Expected Utility............................................. 169
5.1 Money lotteries and attitudes to risk
5.2 Expected utility: theorems
5.3 Expected utility: the axioms
5.4 Exercises [14 exercises]
5.5 Solutions to exercises
6. Strategic-form games......................................... 193
6.1 Strategic-form games with cardinal payoffs
6.2 Mixed strategies
6.3 Computing the mixed-strategy Nash equilibria
6.4 Strict dominance and rationalizability
6.5 Exercises [15 exercises]
6.6 Solutions to exercises
7. Extensive-form games......................................... 227
7.1 Behavioral strategies in dynamic games
7.2 Subgame-perfect equilibrium revisited
7.3 Problems with subgame-perfect equilibrium
7.4 Exercises [9 exercises]
7.5 Solutions to exercises
PART III: Knowledge, common knowledge, belief...................... 259
8. Common knowledge.......................................... 261
8.1 Individual knowledge
8.2 Interactive knowledge
8.3 Common Knowledge
8.4 Exercises [14 exercises]
8.5 Solutions to exercises
9. Adding beliefs to knowledge.................................... 295
9.1 Sets and probability: brief review
9.2 Probabilistic beliefs
9.3 Conditional probability and Bayes’ rule
9.4 Changing beliefs in response to information
9.5 Harsanyi consistency of beliefs or like-mindedness
9.6 Agreeing to disagree
9.7 Proof of the Agreement Theorem
9.8 Exercises [28 exercises]
9.9 Solutions to exercises
10. Common knowledge of rationality.................................347
10.1 Models of strategic-form games
10.2 Common knowledge of rationality in strategic-form games
10.3 Common knowledge of rationality in extensive-form games
10.4 Proofs of theorems
Appendix 9.E: Exercises [7 exercises]
Appendix 9.S: Solutions to exercises
PART IV: Refinements of subgame-perfect equilibrium................... 367
11. Weak Sequential Equilibrium................................... 369
11.1 Assessments and sequential rationality
11.2 Bayesian updating at reached information sets
10.3 A first attempt: Weak sequential equilibrium
10.4 Exercises [8 exercises]
10.5 Solutions to exercises.
12. Sequential Equilibrium........................................ 403
12.1 Consistent assessments
12.2 Sequential equilibrium
12.3 Is ‘consistency’ a good notion?
12.4 Exercises [6 exercises]
12.5 Solutions to exercises
13. Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium.................................... 429
13.1 Belief revision and AGM consistency
13.2 Bayesian consistency
13.3 Perfect Bayesian equilibrium.
13.4 Adding independence
13.5 Characterization of SE in temrs of PBE
13.6 History-based definition of extensive-form game
13.7 Proofs
13.8 Exercises [13 exercises]
13.9 Solutions to exercises
PART V: Incomplete Information..................................481
14. Static Games..............................................483
14.1 Interactive situations with incomplete information
14.2 One-sided incomplete information
14.3 Two-sided incomplete information
14.4 Multi-sided incomplete information
14.5 Exercises [8 exercises]
14.6 Solutions to exercises
15. DynamicGames............................................521
15.1 One-sided incomplete information
15.2 Multi-sided incomplete information
15.3 Exercises [7 exercises]
15.4 Solutions to exercises
16. The type-space approach................... 567
16.1 Types of players
16.2 Types that know their own payoffs
16.3 The general case
16.4 Exercises [4 exercises]
16.5 Solutions to exercises
References.................................................... 585
MyVisits Counter
Game Theory might be better described as Strategy Theory, or Theory of Interactive Decision Making. A strategic situation involves two or more interacting players who make decisions while trying to anticipate the actions and reactions by others. Game theory studies the general principles that explain how people and organizations act in strategic situations.
Game theory studies strategy mainly through the analysis of different 'games'. A 'game' in game theory is a fully explicit structure which characterizes each player's set of actions, payoffs and possible outcomes under given rules of playing. Given this conditions, rational players act in such a way, that they maximize the expected value of their von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility. Games provide a simplified world within which to study strategy (as opposed to the real world where complexities get in the way of developing general principles).
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Game Theory
Part I - Games with Perfect Information
2 Nash Equilibrium
- Example: Prisoner's Dilemma
- Example: Battle of the sexes (a.k.a. Bach or Stravinsky?)
- Best response functions
- Cournot's model of oligopoly
- Bertrand's model of oligopoly
- Auctions
- Questions
- Sources
3 Mixed Strategy Equilibrium
- Randomization
- Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium
- Dominated actions
- Example: expert diagnosis
- Formation of beliefs
4 Extensive Games with Perfect Equilibrium
- Strategies and outcomes
- Nash equilibrium
- Subgame perfect equilibrium
- Stackelberg's model of duopoly
- Adding simultaneous moves
- Adding uncertainty
5 Coalitional Games Running .apg file in the emulator for mac.
Part II - Games with Imperfect Information
6 Bayesian Games
- Motivational Examples
- Cournot's duopoly with imperfect information
7 Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
- Strategies
- Nash equilibrium
- Beliefs
- Signaling games
Part III - Real World Examples
8 TV Game Shows
9 Politics
See Also
Best internet radio recorder. Wikipedia Articles on Game Theory Related Topics
- Prisoner's Dilemma.
- John von Neumann and John Forbes Nash.
- Game semantics, an approach to establish the notion of truth in mathematical logic, in another way than Tarski did, using game theoretical concepts